Sporting Events

Throughout the school year the children from The Bramptons take part in lot of sporting events against other small school in the County.

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Pacesetters Gymnastic - posted 28th Mar

On 17th March 2023 four children from Years 1 and 2 took part in a Pacesetters Gymnastics competition at Bridgewater School. The children did extremely well and tried their absolute best. Well done to them all. 

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Years 1 & 2 Superheroes Event - posted 14th Mar

Today the children from Years 1 & 2 participated in a Superheroes Event facilitated by Northamptonshire Sports. They took part in lots of running, throwing and jumping activities and had great fun as well participating in physical activity to keep them healthy. 

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Years 5/6 Target Festival - posted 2nd Feb

On 19th January 2023 eight children from Years 5 and 6 participated in a Targets Festival. They participated in a number of activities including archery and curling.  They had a fantastic time and were a credit to the school.  Also, one of the children received a sports Values Award, well done!

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Orienteering - posted 7th Oct

Today some children from Cass 3 took part in an Orienteering event in Guilsoborough. They competed against other schools and did extremely well.  They enjoyed using the the maps to find markers in the landscape that provided the answers to the questions on the question sheet. 

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KS2 Tri - Golf - posted 21st Jun

On 13th June 2022 eight children from KS2 went to Guilsborough to take part in an inclusive golf event organised by School Games. The children tried a number of golf related activities by moving around several skill stations. They all enjoyed their first experience of golf and were a credit to the school.

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Reception Multi-Skills June 2022 - posted 21st Jun

On 20th June 2022 the children in Reception went to a Pacesetters Multi-skills event at Benham Sports Arena. They competed in throwing, jumping and running events, as well as scoring penalties, against several other teams. The children did exceptionally well and they finished first!! Well done to them all.

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Year 5 /6 Kwik Cricket - posted 17th Jun

On 17th June 2022 some of the children from Years 5 & 6 went to Guilsborough to take part in a Kwik Cricket Competition against five other teams. It was a beautiful warm and sunny day, perfect for cricket. Although they did not win, they all put in 100% effort and worked well as a team.

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Year 3-4 Athletics May 2022 - posted 14th Jun

On 23rd May 2022 children from Years 3 and 4 took part in an Athletics event at Benham Sports Arena. The children took part in running, throwing and jumping events against other schools, most of whom are bigger than The Bramptons. They did really well and finished third in the competition.

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