School Trips & Visits


Year 6 Residential to Longtown - posted 28th Jun

At the beginning of June the Year 6 children enjoyed an amazing week in Longtown.  The took part in gorge-walking, climbing (high rope and climbing wall), and lots of team building activities including an assault. They also had lovely weather which was a huge bonus!

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Class 2 Trip to Cadbury World - posted 24th May

On Monday., in connection with their rain forest topic,, Class 2 visited Cadbury World.  They learnt where cocoa beans come from in Ghana, and all about the rainforests and the animals that inhibit them. They then had a talk and demonstration on how chocolate is made and they even tried tempering chocolate themselves. 

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Class 2 Residential Trip to Everdon Outdoor Centre - posted 10th Jun

Class 2 have been on their residential trip to Everdon Outdoor Learning Centre. They had an amazing time making shelters for woodland creatures, minibug hunting, den building, fire lighting and toasting marshmallows, pond dipping and lots of walking. They have all come back tired out but having had a great time. 

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Class 1 Trip to Mini Meadows Farm. - posted 18th Apr

On 29th March 2022 The children in Class 1 visited Mini Meadows to help them with their topic for this term, Animal Allsorts.  They were able to feed the sheep, llamas, goats, pig, hens and geese. They also learnt about the animals on the farm and the food and other materials that they produce. The children also had a lovely time bottle feeding the the baby lambs.

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Class 2 trip to Warwick Castle - posted 30th Mar

On 29th April 2022,, to enhance their learning about their Castles topic,  the children in Class 2 visited Warwick Castle. They had a guided tour of the castle defences and they walked up to the 500+ steps to the top of Guy's Tower. They also explored the history of the present and previous owners of Warwick Castles and watched a birds of prey display. 

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Class 1 Trip to Abington Park Museum - posted 8th Feb

On 7th February 2022 the children in Class 1 visited Abington Park Museum. Part of their topic this term is studying toys from the past and today looking at their similarities and differences. At the museum the children had the opportunity to play with lots of toys from the past including marbles, tiddlywinks, puppets and hoops. They also had a talk from the curator about the toys and their history.  

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