Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are the key elements required to ensure a fair and culturally rich society. At The Bramptons we are totally committed to ensuring that we provide such an environment, so all our children are able to thrive and live happy successful lives.

To assist us in achieving this our school is based on our core values; Respect, Courtesy, Honesty, Loyalty, Perseverance and Compassion. We also have two “Golden Threads” that permeate all aspects of teaching and school life. They are Diversity and Resilience.


Equality is all about providing equal opportunities and protecting people from being discriminated against and/or victimised.

Schools are required to comply with all aspects of the Equality Act 2010, and in April 2011 a single public sector Equality Duty was introduced. The purpose of this is to protect people with the protected characteristics as determined in the Equalities Act 2010. These are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

Our Equality Duty objectives are;


  • To increase the awareness of all stakeholders of people from all cultures and religions.

  • To eliminate any language that is offensive to anyone, particularly that relating to protected characteristics.

  • To ensure that all children, including those with protected characteristics, are able to reach their full potential.

Our Equality Duty Document explains how this will be achieved.

Equality Duty

Under the Equality Act 2010 we are also required to have an Accessibility Plan. The Bramptons is committed to providing an accessible environment that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.

Our approach to achieving this is detailed on our Accessibility Plan.

Accessibility Plan


Diversity is about recognising, accepting and celebrating difference and appreciating that these differences result in a society that is culturally richer and more creative. It also drives innovation and productivity.

At The Bramptons we embrace diversity and celebrate difference. We teach the children that everyone has a valuable contribution to make, and valuable experiences to share.

We recognise that our school community is not diverse and therefore, to ensure that the children’s school experience is as diverse as possible, we have identified Diversity as a “Golden Thread” that runs throughout the curriculum, teaching and school life.


Inclusion is the means by which diversity is embraced and it gives people in a community a sense of belonging.

The Bramptons Primary School is fully committed to achieving the maximum inclusion of all children, whilst meeting their individual needs. This includes vulnerable learners who have Special Educational Needs (SEN), those children that use English as an Additional Language (EAL) and those children with ethnic minority heritage. We provide access to the curriculum for all children and this is achieved through the delivery of differentiated learning opportunities.

Our Inclusion Policy provides more information about our inclusive approach.

Inclusion Policy