Remote Learning Info & Resources

During National Lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic  the school put effective remote learning arrangements in  place . These arrangements will be reintroduced should it ever prove necessary in future to deliver remote teaching once again. 

The Bramptons Primary School is committed to delivering the best possible remote learning provision to ensure that the children continue to make progress despite not being able to attend school. The arrangements we have in place to ensure we are delivering high quality remote education are detailed below.

Delivery of Remote Learning




Person Responsible


Teachers prepare resource packs for parents to collect. On a Friday parents are asked to bring in the work their child has completed the previous week and to collect resources for the following week. The work brought back by parents is quarantined over the weekend. If parents are unable to do this staff collect and drop off packs. This is done in a safe manner.




Every Friday the timetable for the following week is posted on the school website.


Also, Parents are emailed links for two Zoom meetings (English & Maths) and they work for the whole week. Zoom meetings are staggered for families who have children in different classes. Each zoom lesson is 20 minutes.



Office Staff


Every day each class has zoom English and Maths lessons. In addition, all classes have one Science zoom lesson per week and Classes 2 and 3 have one topic zoom lesson per week. Teachers deliver the lessons and then set the children tasks to complete independently using, the resources in their pack. Children are able to interact during zoom lessons.


Topic based work is set for the afternoons with Classes 2 and 3 having a zoom lesson once a week as above.




Once a week Teachers provide the children with feedback by email on the work they have completed the previous week. They receive comments about their work and the steps they can take to improve it. 




Parents have the school email address of their child’s Teacher so they can contact them with any questions or concerns. Teachers endeavour to contact the parent before the end of the school day, depending when the email is received. Parents can also contact Teachers by telephone.




Each day Teachers identify any children who have not participated in zoom lessons and contact is made with their parents to see why they were not present and whether additional support is needed.



Office Staff