Before & After School Care

To assist parents The Bramptons Primary School offers before and after school “wrap around” care.

School starts at 8.50am and before school care is available from 7.50am. The cost is £2.00 per child per session, this is a set cost and is the same whether the child arrives at 7.50am or 8.30am. This must be booked and paid for in advance using the School Money System, bookings are accepted up to midnight on the day before. In exceptional circumstances children can be booked in on the day by calling the school office. When calling there must be credit on the child's School Money account to allow the office staff to make the booking. The children are not provided with food so breakfast must be provided before coming to school.

School finishes at 3.15pm and after school care is available until 5.30pm. The cost is £5.00 per child per session which is a set cost whatever time the child is picked up from school. Places must be booked and paid for in advance, this can be done up to midnight on the day before. In exceptional circumstances parents can ring the school office during the school day to book their child a place. The booking can only be made by the school office if there is sufficient credit on the School Money account. No food is provided so please provide your child with a snack if you wish to do so.

Both before and after school care are provided by school staff to keep the cost to parents as low as possible.

We aim to assist parents as much as possible to enable them to meet their work commitments knowing their children are being looked after in a familiar, responsible and caring school environment.