Headteachers Welcome

Our Vision - "We are an outstanding, values based school, fostering a lifelong love of learning, striving for excellence, enabling our children to achieve their highest potential in all areas of their lives."


Welcome to our website. I hope as you look around it, you will start to get a flavour of our school. However, I fully believe that schools are all about the children. 

Our school ethos is strongly built upon our six core values. These were chosen by the children, parents, staff and governors. They form the basis of everything we do in school including our rewards and behaviour support systems. We are not a school with long lists of rules, we believe that if you are following the values, you will already be doing the right thing. They are: Respect, Courtesy, Honesty, Loyalty, Perseverance and Compassion. We also believe that these values should be demonstrated by all members of our school family, and not just at school!

Our lessons are planned from a very exciting curriculum. This is a creative and contextual approach to delivering the National Curriculum in an interesting and relevant way. It has been developed by our staff, to suit our unique students and setting. It continues to evolve, taking advantage of the many enrichment opportunities afforded by our surrounding areas. A key element that runs across the curriculum is resilience. To help build resilience the children receive wellbeing sessions and relationship lessons. Our curriculum also teaches about the rich diversity of our world and the compelling reasons to embrace it.  

The school’s designated linked areas are the villages of Church and Chapel Brampton. However, the school attracts a significant number of its children from outside this area, as many parents recognise the benefits a village school education can offer. On some occasions, parents do not apply for a place at The Bramptons as they feel they will be unsuccessful. However,  the distance of our furthest pupil from school changes year on year, so I would urge you to apply if you think The Bamptons is the right school for your child. One thing is certain, of you do not apply you will not get in!

I fully embrace the need for some learning to take place outside of the classroom. To this end, we arrange regular educational visits, community events and sports events using our school minibus. We also work hard to develop our own engaging and bio-diverse outside areas and encourage the children to look after them.

Parents play a big part at our school. There are regular events arranged by the parents association, The Bramptons Stars. Parents are welcomed into school to listen to readers, accompany trips, talk about their employment or hobbies and share their skills. In order to help parents, we provide before and after school ‘wrap around’ care. This is run by our own school staff and is currently subsidised by the school to keep costs down to parents.

We have a fantastic team of staff who are fully committed to providing the most caring atmosphere for individual children. We want all our children to be happy, enjoy learning and want to come in to school every day. We believe that happy children learn more! We share with you the commitment to ensuring your child reaches their full potential, develops cultural capital and goes on to be a happy and successful adult and member of society.

As a Head Teacher, I intend to meet all the standards set out by the Government. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-standards-of-excellence-for-headteachers.

In addition, I would like to make the following guarantees:


  • I will always put the wellbeing and education of our children first. Everything we do is based around this guarantee.

  • I will always listen to any child who wants to speak to me as immediately as I possibly can.

  • I will always listen to any parent who wants to speak to me. Phone calls will be returned the same day, appointments made within 72hrs. On the rare occasions this is not possible, these contact arrangements will be completed by the Deputy Head Teacher.

  • I will ensure we develop the whole child without undue pressure to pass national tests.

  • I will strive to ensure our school is a place enjoyed by our children, parents, staff and governors.


John Gillett

 Head Teacher