Class 1 Trip to Kelmarsh Hall - Victorians for a day!
On 4th March 2025 Years 1 & 2 went to Kelmarsh Hall to spend the day as Victorians. They firstly spent time in the Butler's Pantry shining cutlery, laying trays for afternoon tea, and folding napkins. They also went to the Footman's Bedroom and they emptied the bed pan, made the bed, brushed his clothes and laid the fire. It was then on to the Wet Laundry Room where they used the dolly and the mangle to wash and rinse the clothes. They then grated soap and scrubbed the clothes on a wash board. In the Drying Room they ironed and folded sheets and pegged out the washing on the washing line.
In the afternoon the children were given a tour of the house and they made cucumber sandwiches. They then learnt how to bow properly and how to carry a tray.
The children had an amazing day and they learnt so much about Victorian times.