
The welfare and safety of children is of paramount importance to the school. The Bramptons Primary School has a duty to provide a safe environment for our children to learn in and to promote their welfare. We also have a responsibility to identify children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, from significant harm and take appropriate action to address the concerns.

Since 1st July 2015 all schools have had a duty to prevent children being drawn into terrorism. The school will endeavour to identify children who may be at risk from radicalization and take the appropriate action to deal with any concerns identified. The school will help build the resilience of the children by promoting British Values.

Our Safeguarding Policy has four main areas:-


Providing an honest, open, caring and supportive school environment and adopting safer recruitment procedures.


Ensuring all staff are trained and there are effective procedures in place by which staff can report any child protection concerns. Also, arrangements in place for Visitors to the school and a leaflet is provided to Visitors that advises them about the school safeguarding duty and what to do if a child discloses information.


Providing support to children who may have been abused and to staff that report abuse.

Working with Parents

Ensuring parents are involved in the process as appropriate.

The school recognises that children that are abused or neglected may find it difficult to develop and maintain relationships with other children and adults and that they may struggle to develop a sense of self-worth and a positive view of the world. The School also recognises that a child who has been abused or neglected may demonstrate challenging behaviour at school and we will adopt a considered, sensitive and supportive approach to addressing that behaviour.

To effectively Safeguard the children at The Bramptons the School may need to work closely with other agencies and schools. We will share information with them to ensure all parties are in possession of all of the relevant information to enable them to protect children as effectively as possible. 

For further information please see our Safeguarding Policy. Safeguarding Policy.

The Bramptons adheres to safer recruitment practices and we have also adopted safeguarding practices in relation to visitors to the school by ensuring, where necessary and appropriate, DBS checks have been carried out.