Parent Survey May 2022

In May 2022 the school undertook a survey of all parents seeking their views about the school. There were 73 surveys circulated and 37 were returned. Therefore, the response rate was 50.68%.

The results of the survey are as follows :



My child is happy at school

97.3% of Parents Agreed (21.6%) or Strongly Agreed (75.7%).

2.7% Disagreed (one child). The parent also Strongly Agreed that they would recommend the school to other families.


My child is safe at school

100% of Parents Agreed (13.5%) or Strongly Agreed (86.5%)


My child is taught well

100% of Parents Agreed (13.5%) or Strongly Agreed (86.5%)


I receive valuable and useful information about my child’s progress.

100% of Parents Agreed (32.4%) or Strongly Agreed (67.6%)


The school is well led and managed.

100% of Parents Agreed (8.1%) or Strongly Agreed (91.9%)


The staff are approachable and I feel able to raise any concerns I have.

100% of Parents Agreed (8.1%) or Strongly Agreed (91.9%)


The school deals well with any concerns I raise.

97.3% of Parents Agreed (24.4%) or Strongly Agreed (72.9%)

2.7% Disagreed (one Parent). The Parent concerned has never raised a concern we are aware of, so does not know how well we deal with concerns raised.


The school communicates well with Parents.

96.4% of Parents Agreed (27%) or Strongly Agreed (67.6%)

5.4% Disagreed (2 Parents). We will review our methods of communication and seek to provide information more promptly.


I fully support the School Values and agree that they help my child.

100% of Parents Agreed (8.1%) or Strongly Agreed (91.9%)


The school understands and responds to my child’s needs.

100% of Parents Agreed (27.1%) or Strongly Agreed (72.9%)


The School engages well with the wider community.

62.1% of Parents Strongly Agreed, 27.1% Agreed, 5.4% Disagreed (2 Parents) and 5.4% did not know. During the Covid-19 pandemic it was not possible to invite the local community into school as we have done previously. However, when possible we have allowed members of the local community to continue to use the school premises. This includes the Parish Council. Going forward, we will continue to re-establish and strengthen links with the local community.


I would recommend the school to other families.

100% of Parents Agreed (8.1%) or Strongly Agreed (91.9%)


The school responded well to the Covid-19 pandemic

94.6% of Parents Agreed (10.8%) or Strongly Agreed (83.8%), and 5.4% (2 Parents) Did Not Know. This was because their children were not at the school during the pandemic.


The school put effective remote learning arrangements in place during the pandemic.

83.8 % of Parents Agreed (29.8%) or Strongly Agreed (54%). 16.2% (6 Parents) Did Not Know. They were not at the school during the pandemic


School Strengths

We also asked Parents what the school did well and what its strengths were. They responded :


  • Good relationships between the Teachers and children.

  • Strong Leadership.

  • Lessons are interesting, engaging and enjoyable.

  • The School Values.

  • Treating the children as individuals.

  • Friendly, approachable Staff and Head Teacher who make them accessible.

  • Good Communication.

  • Great Teaching.

  • Many opportunities to take part in sport.

  • Child-centred approach to everything. The interests of the children are always put first.

  • The children are always listened to.

  • Staff know the children well and they encourage them to reach their full potential.

  • Support for the individual child.

  • School has a positive and friendly environment.

  • Like the house points, rewards and reading raffle.

  • Homework is not too onerous.

  • Concerns resolved quickly and effectively.

  • Well organised at lots of notice of upcoming events.

  • Staff really care about the wellbeing of the children.

  • Children are treated equally.

  • Safe and wholesome environment.

  • School engages well with parents who use Before and After School Club, they are not made to feel “out of the loop” because they are not at school during usual drop off and collection times.

  • Love the values and the encouragement the children are given to follow them.

  • Children are stretched academically.

  • The sense of family the school has.

  • Making children feel special and creating lasting memories.

  • Interesting topics, lessons and trips.


Areas Where We Can Improve

We also asked Parents to tell us where we can improve. They responded:-


  • More engagement with the local community.

 Our Reply:  During the Covid-19 pandemic it was obviously not possible for us to continue to engage directly with the local community, although we did allow members of the community to use the premises, national restrictions permitting. We now intend to re-establish and strengthen our links within the community.


  •  Tapestry is great for updating parents, can this be introduced across the school rather than just in Reception?

 Our Reply:  Tapestry lends itself to Early Years because of the many different activities the children participate in. In KS1 & KS2 learning is more formal and the children spend a majority of the time working at desks. When they do activities that are fun or particularly interesting we take photographs and put them on the appropriate class page on our website.


  •  Behaviour of a specific child impacts on their child. Behaviour could be dealt with differently by staff.

 Our Reply: The school has a rigorous Behaviour Policy that is consistently applied, and this works effectively with a vast majority of children. Some children with specific needs will only respond to a long term more measured approach and this is adopted by the school where necessary. The Senior Leadership Team has a huge amount of experience in managing the behaviour of children and what methods are most effective.


  •  Some communication is a bit last minute. Accuracy of communication could be improved.

 Our Reply: We recognise that “last minute” communication can sometimes be an issue and we will continue to work to ensure that communication is sent out in good time. We will also make sure that any information circulated to parents is accurate.


  •  Suggestion that we appoint more lunchtime supervisors.

 Our Reply: The school does not have the funding to appoint another Lunchtime Supervisor. Mr Gillett and Miss King do spend time in the playground every break and lunchtime.


  •  If a concern has been raised (including concerns relating to another child) it would be good to find out how it was resolved.

 Our Reply:     Depending on the nature of the concern, we do keep Parents appraised of the action that has been taken. Where a concern relates to another child we cannot discuss a child with anyone other that their Parents. As advised previously, we do manage behaviour in accordance with our Behaviour Policy, however, some children with additional needs require an individual, long term approach.


  •  There is a concern about the ease of access onto the playground at the back of the school.

Our Reply:     We are aware of the gaps in the boundary around the playground and Staff are vigilant, particularly when the children are on the playground. We are in the process or getting quotes from fencing companies to supply and fit panels to fill the gaps.


  • The School Money payment system needs improving.

 Our Reply:     We are aware that a few parents have experienced some problems with School Money. This is in some part due to changing Bursars, whose responsibility it is to manage the School Money system. Now Mrs Rose is in post we anticipate that, once she has had a chance to get to know the system, any issues or queries can be resolved more effectively.


  •  Quality of school lunches.

 Our Reply:     All school lunches must comply with strict nutritional requirements. For children who receive Universal Free Meals and Pupil Premium Free Meals we are given £2.30 per day per child to provide a two - course meal. Taking these factors into account we consider the meals to be of good quality.


What Parents said about us?

“(child’s name) and her parents absolutely love the school. We feel (child’s name) is well looked after and she feels happy at school every day”.


“We think the school and staff are fantastic, communication and varied activities are superb and can only enhance the development of all pupils. Thank you.”


“The staff are excellent and learning is made fun. The staff really know each child and they have a good understanding of what they can achieve and they encourage them to maximise their potential.”


“The school creates a positive and friendly environment and everyone knows each other. Great teaching and lovely Teachers.”


“Relationships built with parents is so important, and I know I could approach any member of staff and always be listened to and welcomed.”


“Strong leadership and fantastic teachers. I wouldn’t want my children in any other school.”


“The impact that The Bramptons has had on (child’s name) future has been outstanding and invaluable. Without this school and staff his world would not have so much vibrancy and opportunity. Bramptons is the gold at the end of the rainbow.”


“(Child’s name) has settled in so well and she absolutely loves her Teachers and coming into school each day. She is really enjoying learning at school and often practices what she has learnt at home – including telling us about the values”.


“I believe that The Bramptons allows the children to be themselves. They are supportive of each individual child, getting to know them and their needs on a personal level.”


“It is genuinely such a lovely school, with an amazing team – we are proud to send our children to this school. The main strength is that the school always puts the children at the heart of everything they do and they understand that each child is individual. The whole team from the Head Teacher to the office staff are so approachable and welcoming which makes such a difference.”


“Creates a safe and happy environment that promotes learning, and has an adaptable and understanding approach to the individual needs of the children and families.”


“we particularly like the values and how the children are encouraged to practice them. We also appreciate how (child’s name) is stretched academically and is encouraged to do work with the children a year ahead of her”.


“My children have thrived here. The school supports them with any needs they have and they are taught to be like a family, interacting across the age ranges. I feel I could approach the school if there were any issues.”


“Cannot find fault with anything the school, or its staff does. Best Teachers and Teaching Staff. Whilst I appreciate everything is done by the “rulebook” and complies with legislation etc. it feels as though it is natural and organic and the teaching staff nurture and genuinely care. Measures, communication and overall approach to the pandemic reflected this. I trust the Head and teaching staff completely.”