British Values

The Department for Education has reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all school to promote the fundamental British Values of:-

  • Democracy

  • Rule of Law

  • Individual Liberty

  • Mutual Respect

  • And tolerance of those of different faith beliefs

The British Values are reflected in our School Values which are : Respect, Courtesy, Honesty, Loyalty, Perseverance and Compassion. Our aim is to provide an environment which enables our children to grow into caring, tolerant and responsible members of British Society.


The School has four houses; Pumas, Panthers, Jaguars and Leopards. The members of each house elect their captains to lead them in activities that take place within school.

When elections take place our school acts as polling station for the local residents. We take this opportunity to teach the children, at the appropriate level, about democracy and the importance of exercising their right to vote when they are older.

Rule of Law

The Bramptons does not have rules relating to behaviour but the children are expected to behave in accordance with school values. On occasions when this does not happen the school Behaviour Policy, which takes a restorative approach, is used.

To increase the older children’s understanding of the Criminal Justice System we have on two occasions invited local Magistrates into school to talk about their role and how a court works. The children took part in role play exercises to demonstrate what happens when a case goes to court. The school will continue to invite Magistrates into school on a regular basis. Also, as part of Class 2’s Crime and Punishment topic, Police Officers were invited into the School to talk to the children about policing.

Every Friday the school holds a Values Assembly whereby each teacher choses two children from their class to receive a values award. Their selection is based on those that have best demonstrated the school values. At the end of each term the school holds an achievement assembly and children who have done particularly well is demonstrating the school values are recognised.

Individual Liberty

The children at The Bramptons are actively encouraged to express their views and opinions. The School has developed its own curriculum which enables the children to be creative and develop their ideas.

Mutual Respect

Respect is one of the school’s core values. The children are expected to respect their peers, adults and property, in school and out. They are also encouraged to respect the views of others even if they do not agree with them. The Staff and Volunteers Code of Conduct also relates to the values and staff are expected to demonstrate all of the school values, both in school and out, at all times.

Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Belief

We recognise our school is not as diverse as some others. We promote diversity through our curriculum to encourage the children to celebrate diversity and understand that they live in a multicultural society. The children are taught about the faiths of other societies including Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. We also celebrate the festivals of other cultures including Chinese New Year and Diwali.