
The Full Governing Body has a strategic role and it acts as a critical friend to the school. It sets aims and objectives and reviews, agrees and monitors policies, targets and priorities. The Full Governing Body meets six times per year.

We currently have nine Governors. 

Please see our Governor Declarations of Interests below.

2023/2024 Governors Declaration of Interests

Our nine Governors are:-


  Appointment Date Appointed
Chris Clyne Co-opted ( Chair of Governors) 28th January 2021
Nick Haig Co-opted (Vice Chair of Governors) 22nd September 2022
John Gillett Head Teacher 1st September 2014
Rachael Cookson Teaching Staff Governor 1st September 2015
Melanie Going Support Staff Governor  7th December 2023
Angharad Garner Parent Governor 8th July 2021
Vicky Wheatley Parent Governor 8th July 2021
Richard Chatley Governor


29th February 2024
Kelly Gamble Governor 29th February 2024


 Please see their profiles below

John Gillett
Head Teacher

John Gillett

I have had the privilege of being the Head Teacher at The Bramptons since September 2014. My working life started with 10years working in various jobs in business and industry. I went to university at 27, where I trained to be a Teacher. I worked at two challenging inner-city schools in Milton Keynes before moving to Northampton as Assistant Head of a town school.

A secondment as Head Teacher of Briar Hill convinced me that there was a place for my approach and ethos as Head Teacher and I was delighted to be appointed to the Bramptons, where I work with an exceptional team of people. Outside school, I am kept busy by family life, (Dad Taxi!),  my collection of interesting vehicles and my love of the mighty Saints! 

Rachel Cookson
Staff Governor (Co-opted)

Rachel Cookson

I am the staff governor at the Bramptons where I currently teach in class 2.  I have been teaching for 22 years and have been on the governing bodies of all four schools in which I have worked. 

I have two children that attend a nearby primary school and enjoy cooking and walking my dogs in my spare time.

Chris Clyne
Safeguarding Governor and Chair of Safeguarding Committee

Chris Clyne

I am delighted to have joined the Governing Body of The Bramptons Primary School. Living locally, the school’s approach to developing character virtues in pupils is what really resonated with me. I have overseen the implementation of a Character programme in my previous secondary school and my current school in Northampton, where I am Principal. I have been a Staff Governor in my previous school and am accountable to the Governing Body at my current school.

Outside of school I am kept very busy with 2 little kids, but when I get a chance, I am an avid sports fan. My two passions are Scotland Rugby team and Dundee United Football Club. They both test my character on a regular basis!

Vicky Wheatley
Parent Governor

Vicky Wheatley

The ethos, positivity and care shown by all staff at The Bramptons is why I am supporting the  school as a Parent Governor.

I have worked in further education for 20+ years starting as an Administrator, becoming a Teacher and now as a senior leader. I have experience of the regulations the school works within, and the practices of the school.

Prior to senior education roles I volunteered with Brownies, Guides and Beavers for 15 years, organising camping holidays, adventure activity days, fire pit cook-outs and challenge hikes - to name but a few adventures.

Alongside traditional teaching, I do believe adventure learning can also positively support children's development.

Angharad Garner
Parent Governor

Angharad Garner

I became a governor because I feel passionately about supporting The Bramptons to give the best solid education foundation to our children and help them learn and achieve their full potential.

 Originally from Wales, I moved to Church Brampton in 2012 to take up a teaching role in a local secondary school. I have been teaching for over 15 years having studied for my degree in History and then following with a post graduate certificate in education and also a diploma in educational studies from Canterbury University as part of my progression to my masters in education. I am a teacher of humanities and I also helped to setup and run the Duke of Edinburgh scheme in my school. I really enjoy the way that the outdoor expeditions and challenges of the scheme help to shape youngsters outside of the classroom.

I am married and we have three children. My daughter attends The Bramptons and has really enjoyed her first year. I recently became a Councillor for the Bramptons Parish council as I’m really proud of the area I live in and want it to continue to be a good place to raise a family. When time allows, I enjoy running and swimming.

Melanie Going

Melanie Going

Information and photograph to follow shortly

Richard Chatley

Richard Chatley

I'm delighted to join the Governing Body at The Bramptons as a Parent Governor. I am drawn to the warm and nurturing atmosphere at The Bramptons and the focus that is put on developing character virtues in its pupils. As a Parent Governor I am passionate about ensuring that both pupils and parents have a great experience of the influential early school years. I believe strongly in the importance of mental and physical wellbeing and its impact on pupils and staff alike. 

I have lived in Chapel Brampton since 2023, where I enjoy being part of the local community. I am kept busy by my young family and I also enjoy outdoors, travel, running and keeping fit.

Nick Haig

Nick Haig

Information and photograph to follow shortly.

Kelly Gamble

Kelly Gamble

Information and photograph to follow.